这是在96 coffee shop其中一个小摊子卖的. 吃第一口时,会觉得口味有点怪怪的.但是越吃会觉得口感越好噢~ 汤里有糟菜的咸味,还有番茄的酸甜味. 咸,酸,甜合起来会很开胃哦~

-Lato Cafe-
这家店卖的是Nyonya 吃和 European Breakfast~ 一进去就会看到很多娘惹糕点. 其实并没有想进的,因为价钱有点贵 >.< 可是妹想吃,所以就进了~ 因为最近正在减肥中,所以我只点了sandwich hehe...妹就点了 Ayam Ponteh & Chic Mustard Quiche~ 其实蛮不错吃的,尤其是 Ayam Ponteh (推荐!) 鸡肉好嫩~ 看起来有点像curry,但一点都不辣. 而且很香~

-Coffee Shop Opposite Stutong Market-
Singapore Hokkien Mee
这是在‘小霸王’左边隔壁的咖啡店,前面的小摊子中,其中一个小摊子卖的. 我的最爱! hehe...不过古晋不多人卖. 之前一直都是去别家吃. 直到最近才发现这里卖的也不错吃~ 当场吃会比较好,因为会更creamy~~

Phad Thai
这是 Andy 最爱的泰式食物~ hoho...自从在泰国吃了念念不忘后,现在终于再和它相遇了~ 这是C121 咖啡店里其中一个卖泰国和越南小吃的摊子卖的. 它其实就是粿条. 不过比较小条,而且比较有弹性. 炒得有点酸辣的,加上葱花和豆芽,再洒上花生粒... slurp~~ 超开胃的哦! 不过andy 说,还是泰国卖的比较好吃. 因为葱花和花生粒都可以任由你加.

Roti Canai
之前听朋友说过这一摊的roti canai 很好吃. 不过很难捕捉到他营业的时间. 幸运的话,你就会遇到他开~ 今天就很幸运的给我们遇到了!~ hehe... 就在'老李'咖啡店外摆的一个小摊子. 点了milo flavor~ 好甜,不过很香很好吃. 只是,会粘牙~

Singapore Yong Taufu
这...普通~ 只是我很爱吃类似关东煮的食物~ hehe...

kenapa ini roti canai kuat hitam one.haha.......the singapore hokkien mee that u keep bising very nice taste de last time..1st time see it.. feel so nice.. oh no..i want to eat......hehe
swt... d roti canai sure black la cos is milo flavor ma... haha~ impossible is yellow ba... yea sing hokkien mee reli nice. u shud try~ but this one got add in 'pork oil' so act quite unhealthy. next time we go another one. opposite unaco. that one vy big plate and nice too~ hehe
milo flavour? then campur dengan curry eat? ee.. i dunt like.. i like original..hahaha
oh.. u mean last time u keep bising want eat de tat place har..hehe.. i dunt want got pork oil one.. not becoz unhealthy just i dnt like the smell which ppl say smell nice..haha.. keep say say say at last oso dint go.. u say nd wait very long time le.hehe
but nice food worth to wait ma right? hehe... that time i said so becos we still got class at night ma. d roti canai at 1st i also thought will taste weird. but after try u'll know... vy nice one~ hehe... jz a bit too sweet la...
erm, the roti canai so dark, actually not so healthy o.. ^^
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