Sunday, November 28, 2010

-Delizze Part 2-

yummy... i went there again today after having breakfast at 96 noodles coffee shop~

and i found this cute bread!!~ ^~^ the shape just like ice-cream. i bought oreo and strawberry flavor. there's also flavor like choc and mushroom chic. not too expensive, bout RM 2 ++

It taste nice~ and the puff as well~ HOWEVER, the thick cream is kinda fat >.<

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


yes...就是这间在101附近的餐厅~ 开了好久了,但一直都只是被他美美的外观吸引. 感觉上价钱应该蛮*亮眼*的 >.< 所以都没进去过.

最近同事介绍还蛮不错吃的,所以就去试试了~ 想说去喝下午茶,relax 一下...怎知生意还真好,人好多. 其实西餐和饮料都有点贵...所以我们只点了一个pie和面包(而且因为没放价钱所以不敢拿太多 >.<)

一进到餐厅里就会闻到好香好浓郁的面包香~~~ 还蛮不错吃的. 而且价钱也ok... 点了开水还会一直refill.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010


今天是假期~~ 说了好久想去吻龙的福德公庙,但却因为种种原因,延迟到现在才去...

之前爸爸参加开幕仪式回来后,和我们说了很多关于这座庙的故事. 当时生活里因为遇到某些困惑的我,觉得很无助,所以真的很想去一趟...

现在事隔有一段时间了,但困惑却始终没减少. 好不容易,天时地利人和都允许的情况下,我们终于出发了.

路程说真的,还蛮远...需要搭ferry到一个小村子,然后坐小船才到达庙. 我们一大早出发,却因为水平过底而没办法上ferry. 所以只好改用陆地路线. 但需要经过一段山路,路程比使用ferry还要更远~ 途中还下了雨. 当时还真担心会因为下雨而不能乘船, 就去不成了. 幸好最后我们都顺利的到达了~



今天的旅程虽然遥远,但却觉得离开市区反而让心情更轻松. 希望以后可以有多点机会再来.(毕竟驾车的不是我 >.<)

-Photos Taken-

Saturday, November 13, 2010


My new short hair~~

Camera blur... (it's d cam prob not my hand shake =.=)

hehe..finally made up d decision to cut a short hair style~ my front hair looks weird hmm...

has been heard a lot of negative comments though T_T

Saturday, November 6, 2010

'Cute' Sei Kia Drawing~

credit creativity to Mr. A.C

This guy named Andy. And it is obviously seen that he's thinking of a girl named Jennifer Ang. His mind only has her though there's a lot of flies around him~ hiak hiak...