Friday, December 25, 2009

*Merry Christmas 2009!~*

*Merry Christmas to all my dearest friends and family!!~*

Wish you have a Happy X'mas & Blessed New Year!~ ^^

This year, as usual, we attended the Midnight Mass with Ade at St. Joseph's Cathedral. But it's more special this year cos... my dear is with me to celebrate this special day~ ^^ feel sorry to him cos knowing that he's busy with work that night and we have to wake up early the next day to headed to Permai Beach. Can feels that he's tired and keep on yawning for the whole session... sorry dear ^^

Met Lee Nee & Cindy too~ ^^ miss them a lot~ it reminds me the times we spent together during our high sch~

It's Xmas! so... of course i had to prepare something special for my fren & also my dear... ^^

But... for guy, really had no idea what gift should i give... so end up i decided to just get a cute Christmas stocking with a 'deer' on it ^^ (hope all the 'wishes' I put inside for dear will be realized... ^^)

Thanks to Ade for the gift as well!~ feel sweet that though we seldom got the chance to get together after our high sch, but we'll still gather and celebrate together in this special day ^^

-Photos Taken-

Gift to dear... ^^

Gift from dear... ^^

*Day Trip to Beach*

As we're all having holiday today, so we had a day trip to Permai Beach together with andy's cousin Erwin and Jolyn. 3 couples were there~ ^^

Thanks to them for organizing the trip~ They're vy easy going person n feel nice to spent times with them~ ^^

We had a good times, but was extremely tired after coming back to kch. and my skin color... ><" nearly sunburn... so ugly now~

-Photos Taken-

The Giant's footstep haha...

Dear was so excited to fly his kite... but too bad the kite is not "guai" ^^

and we had our lunch at Teo Seafood after that. This is the 6 "kepala" we ordered as according to the tauke nio ^^

Friday, December 18, 2009

::091218 - A beautiful day::

今天是假期。很难得的一天,我可以和 dear 相处这么久的时间 ^^ 因为平常都很少有机会可以这么相处,所以真得很珍惜...

只想和他说一声,对不起. 我知道你常为了陪我,赶上赶下的...不断往返,很累... 我也知道你已经尽了力了,辛苦你了... 我没想过要埋怨,反而只想学会体谅. 但我,天资比较蠢吧 ^^ 总会无心的伤害到你... 我懂,我说了些话,也许让你很失望... 但我真的无心的... 对不起.

今天的快乐,是你,送给我最棒的礼物... ^^ 我会永远收藏着...

::X-mas Caroling Night::

Thank to Ade for inviting us to attend the caroling night tonight~ ^^ we had a good time...

It's a very simple and relaxing activity... and we really enjoy the harmonies singing~ ^^

-Photos Taken-

Sunday, November 22, 2009

::眼泪, 笑了::

credit: Altering Sight @ flickr

我可以吗?这几天... 眼泪像是我最好的陪伴,一直伴在我左右...

我不知道该怎么解释自己的心情. 也许伤得,已经麻木了吧... 但奇怪的是,心还是痛的...


时间要过多久,我才能释怀呢? 会有这一天吗?

有些话,说了; 有些事,做了... 尽管很努力的想从记忆里抹擦掉,但却已深烙在心里,只能待时间把回忆冲淡吧...



Monday, November 9, 2009

::091109 - SE7EN'S B'day::

Today is a special day for our lucky *boy*, Se7en!~ Happy 25th Birthday to Se7en~~ now he should be called as *lucky man*~ ^^

Wish Se7en all the best, in his career, love relationship... and everything~ ^^

Miss se7en so so much!~ ><" esp the Se7en on stage~ though he's in hiatus status nowadays, but hope that he's doing well and working hard for d preparation of his comeback~~ cant wait for it and really miss his voice so much...

Se7en had attended someone's wedding ceremony last month and a famcam of him singing nuptial song was released after that~ his voice is still beautiful as always~ ^~^

Miss u, Se7en...

Saturday, November 7, 2009

::PC's Idle Time....::

As per title... my pc had just experienced hard disk failure ><" sent it for operation few days ago and finally it's home last night!~ BUT... more than 90% of my data were gone T_T haiz... so sad~ feels like crying last night...

All my photos with family, frens...songs, class video, and my se7en's collection!! *simtia*... all gone~ ><" feel so regret that i didn't burn it out~

now even after undergo the operation, my pc still doesn't seems fully recover yet~ so so so... lag!~ and all the software, video coded... etc have to redownload again~ and the problem is... don't know go where to download ><" feel so sien to face it...haiz

IF... i got money, early throw it away and buy a new laptop le~ *money money... wait for me* =="

Saturday, October 17, 2009

::A Promise for life....::

17.10.2009 - 今天见证了一件很幸福的事情,干姐的注册结婚~ ^~^ 原本打算到公司 OT 的,但是姐的终生大事,我怎能错过呢? ^^

今天看到姐夫时,才知道原来我生肖和他相冲,所以婚礼当天必须暂时回避,不能讨红包了拉 ^^"


很简单的形式,在我们几个朋友,和宣誓师的见证下,姐和姐夫签了字,正式成为了夫妻 ^^ 虽然只有简单的形式,但幸福都洋溢在两位主角的脸上~ 看着甜蜜的两人,突然觉得好感动... 有点感触... 从小陪着我一起长大的干姐,今天终于嫁人了,晋升为温太太~ 姐有成为贤妻良母的潜质哦~ ^^

婚宴会在12月才举行. 等不及想看姐穿婚纱的样子~ 一定很漂亮!~ ^^

姐夫是姐姐的初恋,也是她的终生伴侣~ ^^ 两人都经历了很多,才走到今天. 这是他们两人,给予彼此的,终生的承诺... 希望在未来的日子里,两人都会坚守这份承诺,过得幸福,快乐~ (姐夫一定要善待姐哦! 要不然...ahem 你就知道 ^^)

注册完了,就一起到 Bing 喝饮料~ 算是 simple celebration ^^

最近表哥也注册结婚咯~ 也祝福他们幸福~ 还记得最初我们还想撮合姐和表哥的 ^^"

看着他们都找到终生的幸福了. hmm... 心里不禁想到自己~ 我,几时才会有这一天呢? ^^" 嗨...还久的呢...

-Photos Taken-

My Tiramisu Latte @ Bing

Out of topic photo -- Me n sis @ Grandma's bday celebration 091016

Sunday, October 11, 2009

::戴佩妮 - 两难::

很喜欢戴佩妮的创作~ 每一次听她的音乐,都会感觉,很有共鸣... 尤其很喜欢她的歌词,和别人不一样的,她的歌词中,可以感觉到很优美,很细腻的感情,但有她潇洒和稍微任性的想法~ 每一次听她的歌,就觉得很享受,歌词也会令人深思... 很喜欢她的态度 ^^

最近很喜欢她的‘两难’. 可以很明显的看出她的爱情观~ 尤其她的那一句'有些人注定和寂寞相伴'...



Sunday, September 27, 2009

::090927 The Graduation Ceremony::

It's a memorable day for us... the day we graduated~ ^~^

Though it's just a diploma... but we'll work hard to aim for the graduation from the real ACCA!~ Aza!!~ ^^

今天一大早7点多已经到 Four Point 了~ ><" 好累... 而且发现,我们三个人出奇的,变成了*Alien* ^^" 从安排服装到拍团体照...我们都是被忽略的那三个...好落寞哦~ 连团体照,我们也是被安排在角落的后三个 >.< 不过我们还是很享受的,自娱娱乐~ ^^

流程很短...就是上台领文凭~ 听几个speech,然后就 photo session 了~ 不过很高兴看到了之前的 lecturer~ 很鼓励我们,不断地给予 advice~ 当然也不放过照几张合照拉~ ^^

因为早上好赶...只喝了咖啡~ 整个早上胃很不舒服...小妹更在关键时刻,肚子疼 ^^" 一到lunch时间,即刻冲到restaurant~ 整个graduation,最让我兴奋的...就是很棒很棒的buffet lunch~ wahaha!!~
看到食物的诱惑就觉得值回票价~ ^^ 只可惜我太贪心了,拿了太多choc & cheese cake... 撑到吃不下~ 好多食物都还没吃到哦~ 可惜!! haiz...

-Photos taken-

真是可悲...怎么这么小只得像鸟 =.="

小妹说她最喜欢这张...因为拍得她笑得最自然~ ^^

with ai sze~ ^^

with lecturer, Connie~

with lecturer and MC of the day, Mr. Kho~

the cutest lecturer ever~ ^^

BLUR... ><"

the lovely sister~

My certificates~ ^^

Saturday, September 19, 2009

::侧田 - 三十日::

刚看完'保持爱你'. 很轻松的爱情电影... 里面的几段爱情故事,最觉得甜蜜的是,侧田和邓丽欣的故事~

尤其侧田自弹自唱的那一段,让我觉得歌曲好感动~ 好喜欢'三十日'这首歌哦!~ ^^



治疗足足一个月 由电话减少距离
是太想念你 超过了预期
只想可拥著你 然后吻你 让你惊喜
明日纵使不堪 阻不到我用心爱你
让我终於都明了 明白你比生死重要

I'll give my life to be near you in every way
For I have nothing left to be here on this earth today

让我终於不动摇 这改变因你

逐秒扩张 惦记你滋味
为何分开一个月 如像孤岛给隔离
寻不到 飞得走的客机

是太想念你 超过了预期
游历世界 让你惊喜

明日纵使不堪 阻不到我用心爱你
让我终於都明了 明白你比生死重要

I'll spend my life here beside you in every way
For I have nothing left to be here on this earth today

让我终於不动摇 这改变因你
我唱这首歌 为你

~Happy Holiday~

finally!!~ 终于等到假期了~ yea!~ ^~^ hehe... 不过假期似乎也过得不像轻松的假期 >.< F5 & F7 2nd PT 就快到了... 痛苦... 什么都不懂,要再学过~ haiz...

不知是可笑还是可耻... haha~ F7 lecturer 应该是对我们的表现太过失望了~ 连很简单的 adjustment 也要花很长时间做~ 结果在回家时,特地拍了拍我们的肩膀... 要我们努力点... 真是太丢人现眼了~ =.="

hm~ 最近很多事情都感觉没有很顺... 尤其是工作... 表现得,真是太差了... ><" 虽然很想要事事都办妥,但是不知为什么,工作效率越来越差,越来越慢... 一空闲时,就闲得可以打瞌睡~ 但一忙时,就所有工作都接踵而来~ 昨晚本来应该早回的,因为有课,但临时因为需要帮同事赶report...所以迟了~ 驾着驾着...又下大雨~ 弄得自己心很烦,很phek chek >.< 连holiday 也不能让我舒服点...算了~

下星期天就是毕业典礼了~ 说真...并没有很期待 ^^" 妈本来要陪我去,但我说不用了~ 还是等到有天,我能拿到 ACCA 的毕业证,那才算是真正的毕业 ^^ 本来并没有想attend,因为真得好贵... ><" 我这个月的薪水都快给我抽得干枯了~ haha~ 希望一切进行顺利吧~

中秋节也快到了~~ sport club 打算搞个 BBQ celebration~ ^^ 老板提议staff 带家人或朋友 attend, 但我没打算邀请家人...^^" 因为怕去了,各吃各的...更尴尬~ hehe~ 希望到时候,东西都能准备好~ 能够玩得尽兴 ^^

Saturday, September 12, 2009


我不希望让自己身边的人受伤... 我只希望看到身边的人开心,快乐~ 但我连...这么简单的事情也做不好...好失败的我...





Sunday, August 30, 2009

::Yiruma... Love Me::

最近因为 "Twilight" 的关系, 使用了 Yiruma 的 River Flows In You as background music, Yiruma 的音乐又开始慢慢地受到瞩目了~ 很喜欢这位韩国钢琴家的作品~ 因为可以感受到,在音乐中,那份很细腻的感情... 浪漫的气息~ 之前form 5时,也曾用过 Yiruma 的 Kiss The Rain as background music for class video ^^

今天在 youtube search 了 Yiruma 的作品~ 听到了一首很喜欢的 - Love Me ^^
旋律很简单,但很美~ 就像是喜欢一个人的感觉... 很简单,但却很美~ ^^

::Love Me::

::River Flows In You::

Friday, August 28, 2009


感觉有段时间没update blog 了~ ^^ 前几天在公司翻阅报纸时,读到了一篇文章 - 遗失的美好. 是篇很简短的文章~ 不过内容提的是,人往往在生命中,都会不断的追逐更美好的事物,总是会觉得自己拥有的不够好,不知足... 然而却忽略了自己所拥有的...

读了这篇文章, 感觉和自己当下的心情,想法,有点像~ 之前的自己,感觉... 太过贪婪了~ 对于自己所在乎的东西,总会想要紧紧地抓住... 因为越害怕失去的感觉,就会抓的越紧... 可是后来才发现,原来每件事情在抓的越紧时,会让自己难以呼吸... 也会忘了珍惜目前所拥有的,失去的,更多...

也许是一直以来,我对自己的要求太高了~ 总会想要做得更好,要求更高~ 所以,到后来才发现原来自己做得不好时,就会觉得很辛苦,很不好受...

回过头去看看从前的自己... 我给自己太大的压力了~ 对于无法预知及控制的事情,总会有很多的不安全感... 因为害怕失去的感觉,所以心里总会有很多顾虑,担心... 有时会搞得自己闷闷不乐的~

有一晚...在驾着车时,听到了'礼物'这首歌~ 因为这首歌曾经让我很感动,所以很喜欢~ 但是那时候,听着这首歌,突然让我有种...觉悟的感觉~

其实幸福...一直都在我身边,我应该去珍惜的~ 因为我所拥有的一切,包括爱.都是上天赐于我,最美好的礼物 ^^
这些礼物,都并不是理所当然应该属于我的...所以我更加应该要懂得感恩~ 就算这些礼物的'时效'并不长久,或许我有一天会失去它,但我也依然会感觉幸福~ 因为我曾经拥有...

从前的我,浪费了太多时间在追求不实际的"安全感"...所以在未来,与其浪费,我会把握更多时间去珍惜我爱的人,珍惜拥有的一切... 因为明白到,幸福抓得越紧时,只会让自己越不开心~ 一切就顺其自然,顺心而意吧~ 想做的事,想说的话,我也会义无反顾的去做~ 不会让自己后悔的 ^^

♥ Love is the ordinary miracle we all have in our life... ♥

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Sorry.... all i could tell now...

我伤害了我很珍惜的一个好朋友... 我知道是我的错... 也知道我无法弥补对她的伤害~

-我只想对她说: 对不起... 我不是有心要瞒着你的. 我不知道你会不会原谅我. 但我只想让你知道,我是真心的当你是好朋友对待~ 因为重视我们之间的友情,我很多次都尝试想要告诉你...有好几次,在上课时,只有我们两个,我真得很想说... 但我总是没有勇气,话都总是梗在喉咙里...对不起... 因为我的懦弱,伤害了你... 我有我的苦衷, 我知道你也许不想再听我的解释. 但我真心的希望,可以得到你的原谅... 和你在一起读书的日子,是最开心的~ 我真得很珍惜我们之间的友谊...我很希望我们能像从前一样,开心的,做好朋友~


今天真得很沮丧...因为第一次心觉得,内疚得痛... 认识她这么久,第一次看到她因为我而不开心~


所以真的很自责...为什么我总是没有勇气面对所有的事情? 以至于... 伤害了我最关心的朋友~


Pray for my best friend... to be happy always~

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


今天工作到12点多时, email 突然收到了成绩... 打开的那一瞬间,心里顿时觉得好沉重...

结果如我所预料的... 我 failed F4, Law. 虽然是早有预感,但心里还是觉得很难受... 有点接受不到事实~
正好到午餐时间...也吃不下~ 突然好想哭, 就跑去了厕所里哭...

我只觉得...很 lost... 很希望有个人可以告诉自己,下一步该怎么走~ 第一次觉得...如此迷惘...

中午一整天都没心思工作~ 本来不想join sport club bowling act 的, 但不想扫兴,所以还是去了~ florence 说,要尽量享受过程,心情很快就可以恢复的 ^^

很庆幸有和他们玩,真得觉得愉快了很多 ^^ 被他们的气氛给感染了~

虽然迷惘... 但我相信这只是其中一个挫折~ 我不应该经不起打击...
让我难过的,不是因为我跌倒了...而是跌到之后该怎么站起来~ 这几天...我会慢慢思考,想出自己该走的路~

难过已经过去了~ 我不会再让自己消极的~ 要重新...站起来!! ^^

Aza!~ 笑*7* 个~~~ hiak hiak hiak (刺激过渡... 笑得有点奸 ><")

Sunday, August 16, 2009

::Michael Bolton - Now That I Found You::

Now That I Found You, the song that is currently played on my page. I get to know this song few years ago when i'm addicted to 'How am i suppose to live without you', feel interested in his music and decided to search more from him~

It's a really nice and romantic song with meaningful lyric~

Recently listened back to the song while browsing through my music folder, and fell in love with the song again ^^

Love Michael Bolton's voice~ a bit husky... but it's so touching~

The song express the love of a man, when he finally found the right girl for his life, the love that he'll never find again... the lyric is simple but yet touching~

Just love the song ^^


I can still remember
When all I had was time
A time when I had nothin'
But this empty heart of mine
When I needed inspiration
When the night was all I knew
You were the light shinin' into my life
The reason for all the love I'm feelin'

Now that I've found you
I don't know how I lived without you
I don't know how I survived without your love
Now that I've found you
I only know I'd be lost without you
I found the love
That I'll never find again
'Cause all I ever needed
And all I ever wanted
Has come true
I found it all now that I've found you

I could've searched forever
And never realized
The treasure of a lifetime
Was the love inside your eyes
When I reach for inspiration
In your touch, it's always there
Givin' me faith every step of the way
Givin' me all I ever needed


And every step of the way
Gonna dedicate my heart to you
Promise you my world forever
Pledgin' my love my whole life through

::Results coming out soon::

The result for my exam sitting in June is going to be released tomorrow.

So nervous and afraid ><"

Hopefully the result will be fine~

hm... Aza!!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

::Farewell for Jesmond::

13.08.09 - Our sport club had organized a farewell lunch for our colleague, Jesmond in Li Garden~

and for the very first time... most of our staffs are present ^^ except cherylyn that need to pick up her daughter from sch~ if not, it's going to be the perfect family photo~ ^^

It's regret to see him leaving co. after so many years of service and had reached the position where he is now~ but i believe, he got his own reason and planning~

everytime seeing any colleague leaving company...i'll wonder how's the situation will be when it's my turn ^^

anyway~ we gave him a lumix as farewell gift and he seems really appreciate it too~

and emily is so cute and funny that keep on snapping photo for the dishes and the drawing on wall ^^ (anythg can be the model for our photo hahaha~~)

and of course... not forget about my fav sprite ^^

and finally... some normal photo ><"

and the group photo:

Wish Jesmond the best of luck in his future endeavors ^^