Sunday, June 28, 2009


-我的人生第 '2' 阶段-

26.06.2009 – 那一天,我踏入了人生的第’2’阶段. (yea ^^) haha…

百感交集的一天~ 过去的二十年,经历了很多… 开心的,不开心的…都会是我最珍贵的回忆~ 我是个不容易能放下回忆的人. 很多人,事,物, 我舍不得放下的都会放在心里~ 不管回忆是甜的,还是苦的,那都是让我成长的过程… 所以我不会强迫自己去忘了让自己心痛过的人及回忆… 反倒我会小心翼翼的,把它们都收在我心里的最深处,提醒自己要更懂得珍惜所拥有的一切~

也许从小到大, 我都会特别留心身边的人的一举一动,所说的话… 从别人脸上的表情,动作,试着去读他们的心情… 虽然有时自己还是会白目了点 ><” 改变不了粗线条的性格, 常常都是后知后觉的那一个~ 可是在与人相处的当下, 我总想试着了解他人的心情. 也因为这样, 常顾及别人的感受, 却往往忽略了自己… 我知道这样的相处方式会让我自己很累~ 曾经想过要改变. 可是后来, 我了解了每个人在生活当中都会扮演着不同的角色. 也许这是属于我, 自己的角色 – 聆听者, 伴随者… 能看到身边的人的开心, 我也会很开心的扮演好自己的角色~

我承认我不是个爱出风头的人物. 有时甚至会… 低调的过分 ><” 也许’低调’让我觉得更有安全感, 更自在~ 无论在家人, 朋友, 还是工作中, 我永远都不是被瞩目的那个, 而是在后面默默无声的跟随者~ ^^ 我不爱无谓的应酬, 或是假惺惺的吹捧… 因为那份’假’,会让我自己也讨厌自己~ 这也解释了为什么我都感觉不多朋友 ^^ 因为只有我真正视为’朋友’ 的朋友, 我才会和他们处在一起… 完全话题搭不上边的,我会很别扭, 加上我超级懒惰交际 ><” 因为这样,常被妹妹骂 haha… 因为她都说我- 太凶了… 很不friendly + 交友范围太窄… 我承认我是 :D

踏入人生另一阶段, 我知道自己有很多地方需要改进. 人际关系是首要拉… 另外工作,学业, 都是我很 care 的一点~ 我真的希望自己能有突破, 能够做的出色. 不需要和别人比较, 但一定要过自己心里那关… 也为自己立了一个目标. 我会朝这个目标而前进的!! 虽不是伟大的目标, 却是我最想要实现的梦想~ (不是去看7拉~ 不过这我也一定会去做的 ^^)

:: The greatest birthday gift!~ ::

I’ve received the greatest gift for my 20th birthday this year!! – That is the warmest b’day wishes from all my lovely families and friends~ ^^

I just wanted to thank you all~ I’m so grateful and blessed to have you all in my life! ~

感谢无论身在何处, 都没把这不起眼的日子给忘了的朋友与家人~
我是真心地感到感动~ 你们是最棒的!!~ ^^

也祝福大家都要过得很好~ ♥

::Happy Birthday Mummy~::

Yesterday was my mum’s birthday~ it’s just a day after mine!~ and my dad’s bday was on 24th June, which is on last wed~ all of our bday falls in the same week ^^

As usual, they will their own programs at night. So my plan to have our buffet dinner together did not work out~ but that’s ok… I had bought her a small present though didn’t celebrate for her~

It’s a simple designed but nice earrings~ I thought it suited her. I gave her the present before she went out last night, and she likes it~ and even change it for going out~
It’s not expensive but it jz represent my love and wishes for her ^^

Wish her happy and healthy always ^^

A blur photo taken for the earrings ~

Friday, June 19, 2009


-祝我生日快乐!!(提早版)~~ -

祝我生日快乐~ (x4)~ wahahah... 今年因为朋友大家都在忙的关系,所以都提早了庆祝我的生日^^
thanks to all my dearest fren for ur warm wishes~ ^^

星期三和'大姐帮'一起在 isabella cafe 庆祝我的生日~ 其实,当天的我真的累坏了... 加上严重感冒,整个人晕晕沉沉的... 工作上又遇到难题,真的让我喘不过气~~ 曾有想过不去的 ><" 可真的不想爽约~ 所以还是硬着头皮去... 去到了才发现原来是庆祝我生日 =.=" 我真的以为只是单纯的聚会~ 谢谢大伙儿们的礼物 ^^

ahem... 有人质疑我穿不穿的下这件衣,所以特地穿上它拍了一张 ><"

昨晚和ade见了面~ 我的好姐妹阿... 下星期四就要出发往人生的目标努力去了~ 会舍不得...不过知道她一定可以做的很好~ 希望我们俩的友谊,经过时间的磨练...还是可以依然这么真,这么坚固 ^^


很精致吧~ 哈哈...我是第一个购买的顾客哟~ 因为真的很喜欢,所以隔天自己也跑去买了一个... 有粉红的~~

ade 也送了我一个很精致的礼物 ^^ 是我最爱的音符~~ 我真的很喜欢. 谢咯hehe...

ahem... 今年呢...也买了些东西犒赏自己 ^^ 平时工作上课,那种辛苦真是无法言喻的...所以现在呢~ 只要我还有能力,都不会亏待自己的...哈哈~~

登登登登~~ 就是它拉!! 哈哈哈...

虽然不是昂贵的礼物,不过这只我一进门就看到它了~ 情有独钟的 ^^
这家精品点真的很棒~ named as 'Precious Memory' 每次进去都让人有种很甜蜜的感觉...让我心痒痒的... 也好想自己开间 'The J's Memories' 呵呵呵~~ 呵呵咳咳咳... bluek~~ hahaha... 我太异想天开了~

不过很喜欢礼品店的构思. 也许因为自己都是为了给自己珍惜的人准备礼物才会踏进精品店,所以那种心情都是愉悦的 ^^ 所以会觉得很想用自己的能力,拉近彼此互相珍惜的人的距离~ 如果能够看到每个走进来的客人都笑着脸,和你分享他们送礼物的心情,那会是一件很幸福的事情~

hehe... 虽是说异想天开,不过我还是会朝着这目标及方向努力的 ^^ Aza!!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

-Happy Father's Day-

-Happy Father's Day~ -

祝大家父亲节快乐 ^.^ last night went for dinner with dad,mum,sis,grandma and 三叔~ at 海天楼~ Co act gave us some token to have dinner with our family(but can only claim to that specified amount of token la ><") so I treat my families a dinner. I thought ate at chinese restaurant should be not tat costly... BUT... i reli shocked when pay the bills... hahaha~~ so i have to top up quite a lot on top of that token given. But it's ok for me lar... since they really likes the dishes last night~ And what funny is that my dad told me that he really likes a Timex Watch... ask me want to buy for him o not ==" act if can i will really buy for him~ but i guess have to wait for some time first... i really spent too much recently~ 荷包接近干枯了 哈哈哈...

Then today went for hair cut together with sis and mum, at Anita Salon near Swk Plaza, the same block as Pizza Hut~ haha... my funny sis, once she went in and saw that it's a guy who doin hair cut, she straight forward refuse to cut... how hard i persuade her to cut ar~ i become bai lao shu, the 1st one to cut~ but i think the result is ok lo (for me la...) haha~ although looks a bit "gong dai" ... but at least now my 刘海 more 清爽~

here's my photo taken together with sis after having our hair cut~ not tat clear cos taking using *lousy hp* ><"

Gong ho?? hahaha...

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Honey Moon Period...

-Honeymoon Period...-

As per title. wahaha~~~~~ finally finish my exam!^^ phew~ although i can foresee the result might be disappointed ><" but dun care la... that will be the matter 2 months later~ what more important now is to enjoy my honeymoon times! even though only for a month ^^ i has yet to register for next sem. hopefully things will be better after switched to new study environment~ honestly, i'm not doing well this times. even now after exam, i'll still feel afraid whenever i think of the times i got the question paper... i quickly went through the ques and it gave me a goose bumps,I have no confident on any of the ques at all~ looks like most of the ques, they know me but i dunno them =.=" i really dun have the strength to face the result~...

Dun want to think much, just enjoy first~ but it doesnt seems that i'll be more relax after the exam~ haha... today went back to work~ and the system is ...><" it took us for more than 5 hours to load the mails... and caused our job delays so much~ whole PC hang~ i was nearly kicked my processor in front of all ppl~ haha... and the job is like mountain likes... how i wish i could stayed in office until all my job done ><"

i had to say this in honest, i really appreciate the chances given to me by all the ppl in relation to my current job. i dunno how to show my appreciation to them. But i really feel thankful for all the helps. i wouldnt be able to reach the position where i am without them~ Thanks for all the guidance. That's y sometimes i'm blaming myself for not doing well all the times. But i did give my very best to try whatever i can. I just hope that i can improves myself from time to time~

and sometimes i'm happy seeing that my parents is happy for receiving those premium items ^^

I really hope that i can do better and longer in this company.