♥ Love & Hope ♥
今天工作时,因为真得太无聊了... 而且身体好疲惫,感觉快要支撑不住了~ 幸好老板搭中午的飞机,我才有机会喘口气~~
就在闷得快发慌的时候,手里拿起了笔... 随意的涂鸦了这两个字 - Love & Hope. 我不知道为什么,但这两个字就这样浮现在我脑海~
我常常觉得...爱与希望是分不开的~ 有爱,就有希望. 也许也是因为自己的矛盾让我有这想法... 我希望爱自己身边的人,也希望被爱...但却往往因为越爱,而越害怕被受伤害,结果自己就老躲得远远的~~ 哈哈...很笨吧 ^_^ 我常都对妹妹说,我是我见过最笨的女生 ^^
也因为这样,不管是在亲情,友情,甚至是爱情,都曾经让我觉得很失望... 我曾经很叹望过的,抚着自己的胸口,默默的祈祷着... 为何'爱'总是无法公平的分于... 无论我付出多少,我都无法得到同等的爱... 这想法和心情曾经让我很受伤~
但每一次在我埋怨的同时,心底深处都会有个声音告诉自己... 若是真的爱,就不应该要求回报~ 所以后来...我体会到, 爱本来就是无法触摸,无法衡量的东西... 但却是用心去感受的~
有时尽管我明白,不管我如何付出,我的心意也不会被珍惜,但我还是...拼着那股傻劲,继续的做我想做的! ^^
因为我真心的体会到,看到自己身边的人的快乐,那才是真正生活的乐趣 ^^
所以很希望能够传达给身边的人自己对他们的关心~ 只是一份小小的关心,也许对于有些人是微不足道,但对于某些人来说,却是可以成为推动力的鼓励~
也许是自己已经踏出社会,所以看到了很多不同面貌的人~ 在这些人身上,看到了猜忌,怀疑,不信任...
开始思考... 若是每个人在生活甚至职场上,都用这种态度相处,这世界会是很丑陋的...
在大人们身上,也看到了,对于给外人们的,那吝啬的爱心 ^^ ... 原因就是因为,不信任~
我只想说的是,当我们每一天,能拿出多一点点的爱,给与身边的每一个人... 少份计较,猜忌, 不要吝啬自己的爱心,那每一份小小的爱都会让这世界更美好 ^^
爱,不是在于给的人付出多少而珍贵,而是双方要懂得珍惜才因此而珍贵 ^^
Friday, July 31, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
-The Prayer-
-The Prayer-
This song has been kept in my music library for quite some times~ i had always like this song but never feel touched until i watched the live performance by Celine Dion and Andrea Bocelli on TV last week. It's such a beautiful collaboration between two great singers~ ^^
But besides the great vocal,it was the lyric that touch my heart~
There are times when we lose our way... and we feel helpless...
But everytime when i had this feeling, i'll say my prayer and told myself not to be afraid~
And recently...there's something that make me feel lost...
I admit i'm not a good girl, and many times i had disappointed the people around me~
I don't know what's the right decision for me. I just don't want to hurt anyone and also myself.
I hope if my prayer was listened, GOD will lead me to a right way...
This song has been kept in my music library for quite some times~ i had always like this song but never feel touched until i watched the live performance by Celine Dion and Andrea Bocelli on TV last week. It's such a beautiful collaboration between two great singers~ ^^
But besides the great vocal,it was the lyric that touch my heart~
There are times when we lose our way... and we feel helpless...
But everytime when i had this feeling, i'll say my prayer and told myself not to be afraid~
And recently...there's something that make me feel lost...
I admit i'm not a good girl, and many times i had disappointed the people around me~
I don't know what's the right decision for me. I just don't want to hurt anyone and also myself.
I hope if my prayer was listened, GOD will lead me to a right way...
Saturday, July 25, 2009
::Japanese Dinner with Family::
::Japanese Dinner with Family::
Just came back from the dinner with family @ Crown Plaza. Treating my family a dinner as a celebration of my sis's bday ^^
the dishes actually not that nice, just ordinary. maybe we're not used to Japanese food ><" so feels a bit *bo hua*~ at last i keep on eating the dessert and ice cream till soo full and che cham~ haha...
nothing much to write about that... just some photos taken from the dinner :
-inside the washroom haha ^^-
Credit to 青蛙的妹妹 for photos editing ^^
Just came back from the dinner with family @ Crown Plaza. Treating my family a dinner as a celebration of my sis's bday ^^
the dishes actually not that nice, just ordinary. maybe we're not used to Japanese food ><" so feels a bit *bo hua*~ at last i keep on eating the dessert and ice cream till soo full and che cham~ haha...
nothing much to write about that... just some photos taken from the dinner :
-inside the washroom haha ^^-
Credit to 青蛙的妹妹 for photos editing ^^
Friday, July 24, 2009
::青蛙的妹妹's Birthday!! ~::
::青蛙的妹妹's Birthday!! ~::
祝我可爱的 *青蛙的妹妹* 生日快乐!! Hapi Buarrrday~~ ^^ (frog's lang)... haha
长大一岁了~ 希望她永远开心,幸福~ 知道这个妹妹已经很乖了... 但希望长大一岁的她,可以更加懂事,将以前不好的个性慢慢的转换成优点 ^^
过去的一年,因为某个男生的出现,我看到了我妹妹的成长~ 我跟感谢(当然偶尔也很羡慕 ^^)上天让我妹,遇到了一个真心对待她的男生... 我一直不断的和妹说,要好好地珍惜这段感情~ 因为找到一个真正能够彼此用心对待的伴侣,是很可贵的~ 不要像我这个不中用的姐姐...到现在都还是*一只菇* ^^
希望我妹能够得到幸福~ lov ya sis!! ~*L.O.V.E*~
今天...真的...好悃 ><" 好像几天没睡了一样~ 我也不懂为什么~ 我明明晚上都睡得很好啊...
这一整天驾车都昏昏的... 有好几次,眼睛越来越蒙~ 我还真得差点驾到睡着了 =.=" 好可怕哦...
早上一到公司,电脑也不开,就先趴着睡了~ 睡到同事上班开门还吓醒我...
喔...真的超悃哦~~ 为什么?? why??... 上一次也是同一种经验,是在我戒咖啡的那一段时间~ 过后因为太危险了,没办法,再喝回咖啡才没事~ 但这一次... 为了什么呢?
幸好明天dealer 开张不用去~ 那我可以睡饱饱了!! ^^ 超开心的~ 哈哈哈!!!
祝我可爱的 *青蛙的妹妹* 生日快乐!! Hapi Buarrrday~~ ^^ (frog's lang)... haha
长大一岁了~ 希望她永远开心,幸福~ 知道这个妹妹已经很乖了... 但希望长大一岁的她,可以更加懂事,将以前不好的个性慢慢的转换成优点 ^^
过去的一年,因为某个男生的出现,我看到了我妹妹的成长~ 我跟感谢(当然偶尔也很羡慕 ^^)上天让我妹,遇到了一个真心对待她的男生... 我一直不断的和妹说,要好好地珍惜这段感情~ 因为找到一个真正能够彼此用心对待的伴侣,是很可贵的~ 不要像我这个不中用的姐姐...到现在都还是*一只菇* ^^
希望我妹能够得到幸福~ lov ya sis!! ~*L.O.V.E*~
今天...真的...好悃 ><" 好像几天没睡了一样~ 我也不懂为什么~ 我明明晚上都睡得很好啊...
这一整天驾车都昏昏的... 有好几次,眼睛越来越蒙~ 我还真得差点驾到睡着了 =.=" 好可怕哦...
早上一到公司,电脑也不开,就先趴着睡了~ 睡到同事上班开门还吓醒我...
喔...真的超悃哦~~ 为什么?? why??... 上一次也是同一种经验,是在我戒咖啡的那一段时间~ 过后因为太危险了,没办法,再喝回咖啡才没事~ 但这一次... 为了什么呢?
幸好明天dealer 开张不用去~ 那我可以睡饱饱了!! ^^ 超开心的~ 哈哈哈!!!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
::The Farewell For Our Beloved 大姐::
::The Farewell For Our Beloved 大姐::
22.07.2009 - 这一晚我们都到了机场给我们最可爱的大姐践行... 大姐和姐夫要去西马读书了~ 祝这一对小情侣,可以达成自己的梦想!创出一片天~ 也希望大姐在那里的生活一切都好, 要很幸福! ^^ 最重要的是,和我们这些朋友保持联络~
从这天早上,我就一直在想该送什么给大姐... 在礼品店逛了好久好久... 都没头绪 ><" 一直到上班时间到了,才下定决心买了一对水晶耳环给大姐~ 原本看中了一对很漂亮的~~ 可是价钱也超漂亮的 ==" 所以就选了一个ordinary 的~
这一晚发生了一个美中不足的小插曲~ 就是我和小妹都迟到了 ... 只来得及交给她礼物,来个大合照,然后给个 *hug* ... 接着她就要上机了~ 觉得相处的时间好少哦...
看到大姐的眼睛,在和我们挥手道别时...眼眶泛泪的,突然心里觉得好不舍~ 尤其在看到她身影时, 过去和大姐相处的片断突然一幕幕的浮现在脑海~ 当下的心情...真的... 不舍... 只觉得时间真的流逝的好快, 感觉我们这一帮朋友吵吵闹闹上课的情景,也只是昨日的事情~ 还记得第一次看见大姐时, 就觉得这女生长得很甜美, 很可爱 ^^
不过在不舍涌上心头的同时, 我想起了一个朋友说的话~ 真心对待的朋友,不管彼此距离有多遥远都好,我们彼此的心都是联系着的... 所以我相信,不管大姐身处在哪里都好, 她一直都会是我们最珍惜的大姐 ^^
大合照 : without Andy 版
without Alfred 版
Present for 大姐
22.07.2009 - 这一晚我们都到了机场给我们最可爱的大姐践行... 大姐和姐夫要去西马读书了~ 祝这一对小情侣,可以达成自己的梦想!创出一片天~ 也希望大姐在那里的生活一切都好, 要很幸福! ^^ 最重要的是,和我们这些朋友保持联络~
从这天早上,我就一直在想该送什么给大姐... 在礼品店逛了好久好久... 都没头绪 ><" 一直到上班时间到了,才下定决心买了一对水晶耳环给大姐~ 原本看中了一对很漂亮的~~ 可是价钱也超漂亮的 ==" 所以就选了一个ordinary 的~
这一晚发生了一个美中不足的小插曲~ 就是我和小妹都迟到了 ... 只来得及交给她礼物,来个大合照,然后给个 *hug* ... 接着她就要上机了~ 觉得相处的时间好少哦...
看到大姐的眼睛,在和我们挥手道别时...眼眶泛泪的,突然心里觉得好不舍~ 尤其在看到她身影时, 过去和大姐相处的片断突然一幕幕的浮现在脑海~ 当下的心情...真的... 不舍... 只觉得时间真的流逝的好快, 感觉我们这一帮朋友吵吵闹闹上课的情景,也只是昨日的事情~ 还记得第一次看见大姐时, 就觉得这女生长得很甜美, 很可爱 ^^
不过在不舍涌上心头的同时, 我想起了一个朋友说的话~ 真心对待的朋友,不管彼此距离有多遥远都好,我们彼此的心都是联系着的... 所以我相信,不管大姐身处在哪里都好, 她一直都会是我们最珍惜的大姐 ^^
大合照 : without Andy 版
without Alfred 版
Present for 大姐
Monday, July 20, 2009
-Relief- that's the feeling i have this morning ^^ I was actually getting a bit moody before went to work~ when i reached office and on my pc, i dunno y but jz sudd... i have the feeling of 'relief'... some thought jz pop up on my mind, and i feel like i had realized something~ I had make my mind clear about it...for things that out of my control, why should i bother about it? if it's something that not within my control, then just let it be~ 顺其自然~ i feel i'm stupid enough previously for having the sadness filled up my day~
from now on... i wont care that much anymore~ i'll jz be myself, and enjoy everyday to the fullest! ^^ i know no matter what, i should appreciate and be grateful for having my lovely family and friends who care and loves me ^^
Just want to say thank to all of them, for your presence in my life ^^
today chat a lot with ade~ my dearest friend ^^ i know she's having a vy hard time with her Uni life~ good luck to her!!~ I've always said that, i'm so glad to have her as my good friend~ just want to let her know, anytime, anywhere... whenever she need a friend, i'll always be there for her ^^
and also... good luck to her on her love life ^^ we both must add oil and find our price one day!! ^^
-Relief- that's the feeling i have this morning ^^ I was actually getting a bit moody before went to work~ when i reached office and on my pc, i dunno y but jz sudd... i have the feeling of 'relief'... some thought jz pop up on my mind, and i feel like i had realized something~ I had make my mind clear about it...for things that out of my control, why should i bother about it? if it's something that not within my control, then just let it be~ 顺其自然~ i feel i'm stupid enough previously for having the sadness filled up my day~
from now on... i wont care that much anymore~ i'll jz be myself, and enjoy everyday to the fullest! ^^ i know no matter what, i should appreciate and be grateful for having my lovely family and friends who care and loves me ^^
Just want to say thank to all of them, for your presence in my life ^^
today chat a lot with ade~ my dearest friend ^^ i know she's having a vy hard time with her Uni life~ good luck to her!!~ I've always said that, i'm so glad to have her as my good friend~ just want to let her know, anytime, anywhere... whenever she need a friend, i'll always be there for her ^^
and also... good luck to her on her love life ^^ we both must add oil and find our price one day!! ^^
Sunday, July 19, 2009
::给姐姐的婚礼,最真心的祝福 ^^::
::给姐姐的婚礼,最真心的祝福 ^^::
收到这好消息的那一刻,心里满满的是感动~ 很替姐姐感到幸福 ^^ 姐姐是个好女生. 一直都是我努力想成为的目标 ^^ 一直以来,她的辛苦,努力... 我们都看在眼里~ 当她以最灿烂的笑容回应一切辛酸的努力时, 我常常都觉得心里很心疼~ 尤其每次和干妈聊天时,看着干妈眼里泛着泪光... 我知道干妈很心疼这女儿~ 现在,姐终于找到了一个好归属~ 一个可以牵着她的手,给她幸福的男人 ^^ 当然这姐夫,也是经我*审核*,觉得很不错的... 哈哈~ 真心的祝福姐,有个幸福美满的婚姻生活~ ^^
姐和未来姐夫上个星期回来 kch 办婚礼的准备~ 只待了4天~ 本来想请他们吃大餐的!!~ 可是可恶的sunway...让我连续两天周末都上了*7*小时的课... 让我根本抽不出时间~~ 只好等下一次咯~
hehe 姐交了给我她在新加坡买给我的生日礼物 ^^ 好昂贵... 让我觉得很不好意思 ><" 不过姐姐的那份心意,是最让我感动的~ 干妈说那项链小得很... 哈哈~ 不过我还是很喜欢,也很宝贝这礼物~ 心型上有颗很小很小的钻石 ^^ hm 算起来呢,这是我第一份收到的钻石礼物哦 ^^ (手机的相机太烂了... 拍得好差哦 ><")
看到姐姐好幸福,而看看自己...><" hmm 什么时候我也能找到生命中的另一半呢? 我什么时候也能拥有自己的幸福呢?... ^^ (叹气中...)
这是我和姐,哥在我小时候生日派对上的合照 (旁边那位不知是谁 ><")
::My lovely cousin ^^::
last week cousins family visit to kch~ so long didnt see them, and they're still so cute and lovely ^^ so bad that i dun really have time to spend with them due to hectic schedule of work and study~
on the day they came, we went for shopping together, the WHOLE DAY~~ and i was wearing my high heel shoes... so painful ><" here's the photo snapped inside the car~
and i jz realize that i didnt take photo with another cousin~ haha... so ke xi~
anyway, i bought them a small gift before they went back~ and i'm happy that they seems to like it so much ^^
And...of course not to forget about this --> SE7EN '747 Concert DVD'!! hahaha...i'm so happy got to bought it~ act it has been displayed quite long at there already, but i never got time to shop for CD...so here's some cap for the DVD ^^ it's act not the original edition released by YG but was edition that published by Malaysia publisher. so it's 正版~
haha... so funny that my sis cap the below photo of me sayang-ing my DVD after my sis put it on the floor~ (sim tia haha...)
ok...near the end of my post... and since there's no photo of me together with sister, she insist me to post one ==" and here it is~
收到这好消息的那一刻,心里满满的是感动~ 很替姐姐感到幸福 ^^ 姐姐是个好女生. 一直都是我努力想成为的目标 ^^ 一直以来,她的辛苦,努力... 我们都看在眼里~ 当她以最灿烂的笑容回应一切辛酸的努力时, 我常常都觉得心里很心疼~ 尤其每次和干妈聊天时,看着干妈眼里泛着泪光... 我知道干妈很心疼这女儿~ 现在,姐终于找到了一个好归属~ 一个可以牵着她的手,给她幸福的男人 ^^ 当然这姐夫,也是经我*审核*,觉得很不错的... 哈哈~ 真心的祝福姐,有个幸福美满的婚姻生活~ ^^
姐和未来姐夫上个星期回来 kch 办婚礼的准备~ 只待了4天~ 本来想请他们吃大餐的!!~ 可是可恶的sunway...让我连续两天周末都上了*7*小时的课... 让我根本抽不出时间~~ 只好等下一次咯~
hehe 姐交了给我她在新加坡买给我的生日礼物 ^^ 好昂贵... 让我觉得很不好意思 ><" 不过姐姐的那份心意,是最让我感动的~ 干妈说那项链小得很... 哈哈~ 不过我还是很喜欢,也很宝贝这礼物~ 心型上有颗很小很小的钻石 ^^ hm 算起来呢,这是我第一份收到的钻石礼物哦 ^^ (手机的相机太烂了... 拍得好差哦 ><")
看到姐姐好幸福,而看看自己...><" hmm 什么时候我也能找到生命中的另一半呢? 我什么时候也能拥有自己的幸福呢?... ^^ (叹气中...)
这是我和姐,哥在我小时候生日派对上的合照 (旁边那位不知是谁 ><")
::My lovely cousin ^^::
last week cousins family visit to kch~ so long didnt see them, and they're still so cute and lovely ^^ so bad that i dun really have time to spend with them due to hectic schedule of work and study~
on the day they came, we went for shopping together, the WHOLE DAY~~ and i was wearing my high heel shoes... so painful ><" here's the photo snapped inside the car~
and i jz realize that i didnt take photo with another cousin~ haha... so ke xi~
anyway, i bought them a small gift before they went back~ and i'm happy that they seems to like it so much ^^
And...of course not to forget about this --> SE7EN '747 Concert DVD'!! hahaha...i'm so happy got to bought it~ act it has been displayed quite long at there already, but i never got time to shop for CD...so here's some cap for the DVD ^^ it's act not the original edition released by YG but was edition that published by Malaysia publisher. so it's 正版~
haha... so funny that my sis cap the below photo of me sayang-ing my DVD after my sis put it on the floor~ (sim tia haha...)
ok...near the end of my post... and since there's no photo of me together with sister, she insist me to post one ==" and here it is~
Monday, July 13, 2009
-父母的压力 = 代沟?-
-父母的压力 = 代沟?-
我知道自己写这篇post有点坏... ><" 可有些心里话真的很想说出来~
刚和父母有一些"争执"... 就是意见上的不合~ 我知道自己的行为偶尔很叛逆,但
父母一直都是很传统的想法. 可是说传统,他们又像是很"in"的夫妻~ 可以一起去
唱K... 去饮酒~ ><" 但在生活上的细节... 他们有些说法是我无法认同的~
不想多说是关于什么事~ 但父母的态度偶尔......会太过主观~ 总爱坚持自己认为
理所当然的道理~ 我相信不只是我的父母,而是"大部分"的长辈都有这种特征~
这是我日常中的 "observation" ....
我有我自己对于生活的看法,计划.... 不是我不认同传统观念, 只是我无法认同一
般人所赞同的"观念"应该束缚一个人的生活方式,甚至是生活哲学~ 我总是相信,事
情没有'绝对'的... 只是各人各有judge事情的角度~ 过度的用主观意识来评论他
人的行举, 似乎不恰当~ 我不懂这是不是"代沟"... 但我发觉和大部分的长辈相
处,都有这问题~ 也因为这样, 我特别欣赏能不断学习,听取他人的长辈~
也许我不善长表达, 所以在和父母说道理时, 总让他们觉得我表现得太极端~ 在他
们面前时, 总觉得有"理"说不清~ 因为他们无法理解我的说法~ 也许也不想试着去
就像有些时候, 我也许只是不经意的一句话, 一个动作... 根本没任何意思~ 却可
以被歪曲... 被骂得丑头~ ><" 让我受伤的是, 我是一个怎样的人, 还需质疑吗
... 我平时对家里所做的一切... 难道都不及一个被歪曲的事实?... 我要是真要计
较, 我现在大可以大摇大摆的伸手像父母要钱, 无须这么劳累的工作,负担自己的生
活及读书费用~ 我家境虽没极好, 但还算可以负担我的消费... 我为何要这么辛苦
我有时, 真的会觉得好累好累...... 工作及读书的压力, 那种累... 是无法向家人
倾诉的~ 有时会觉得没人懂我, 我唯有自己硬着头皮, 面对现实, 面对生活.....
但有时真的无法承受, 压抑不住情绪, 在自己一个人驾着回家的路途中..... 会哭
了起来~ 但回到家, 我还是试着成为那个不被担心的孩子~ 虽然累, 但选择这条
路的人是我, 我很清楚不能让自己后悔~
在努力的时候, 谁不希望家人可以懂自己.... 体谅自己呢? ...
我很爱我家人, 更爱我父母~ 对我来说生命的意义不是为自己而活得开心, 而是看
着家人活得开心~ 他们是我的精神支柱... 是我的全部~
也许外人会很难认同我这想法... 但我,就是我~
只是沟通方面, 我真的需要再加把劲了~
我知道自己写这篇post有点坏... ><" 可有些心里话真的很想说出来~
刚和父母有一些"争执"... 就是意见上的不合~ 我知道自己的行为偶尔很叛逆,但
父母一直都是很传统的想法. 可是说传统,他们又像是很"in"的夫妻~ 可以一起去
唱K... 去饮酒~ ><" 但在生活上的细节... 他们有些说法是我无法认同的~
不想多说是关于什么事~ 但父母的态度偶尔......会太过主观~ 总爱坚持自己认为
理所当然的道理~ 我相信不只是我的父母,而是"大部分"的长辈都有这种特征~
这是我日常中的 "observation" ....
我有我自己对于生活的看法,计划.... 不是我不认同传统观念, 只是我无法认同一
般人所赞同的"观念"应该束缚一个人的生活方式,甚至是生活哲学~ 我总是相信,事
情没有'绝对'的... 只是各人各有judge事情的角度~ 过度的用主观意识来评论他
人的行举, 似乎不恰当~ 我不懂这是不是"代沟"... 但我发觉和大部分的长辈相
处,都有这问题~ 也因为这样, 我特别欣赏能不断学习,听取他人的长辈~
也许我不善长表达, 所以在和父母说道理时, 总让他们觉得我表现得太极端~ 在他
们面前时, 总觉得有"理"说不清~ 因为他们无法理解我的说法~ 也许也不想试着去
就像有些时候, 我也许只是不经意的一句话, 一个动作... 根本没任何意思~ 却可
以被歪曲... 被骂得丑头~ ><" 让我受伤的是, 我是一个怎样的人, 还需质疑吗
... 我平时对家里所做的一切... 难道都不及一个被歪曲的事实?... 我要是真要计
较, 我现在大可以大摇大摆的伸手像父母要钱, 无须这么劳累的工作,负担自己的生
活及读书费用~ 我家境虽没极好, 但还算可以负担我的消费... 我为何要这么辛苦
我有时, 真的会觉得好累好累...... 工作及读书的压力, 那种累... 是无法向家人
倾诉的~ 有时会觉得没人懂我, 我唯有自己硬着头皮, 面对现实, 面对生活.....
但有时真的无法承受, 压抑不住情绪, 在自己一个人驾着回家的路途中..... 会哭
了起来~ 但回到家, 我还是试着成为那个不被担心的孩子~ 虽然累, 但选择这条
路的人是我, 我很清楚不能让自己后悔~
在努力的时候, 谁不希望家人可以懂自己.... 体谅自己呢? ...
我很爱我家人, 更爱我父母~ 对我来说生命的意义不是为自己而活得开心, 而是看
着家人活得开心~ 他们是我的精神支柱... 是我的全部~
也许外人会很难认同我这想法... 但我,就是我~
只是沟通方面, 我真的需要再加把劲了~
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
::Cheer for the SE7EN's Day~~::
::Cheer for the SE7EN'S Day~~~::
Let's Cheer for our lovely SE7EN's days!!~ ^^
所有的不开心... 今天都不提了~ 因为今天心里满满想着的都是 7 ^^
收到ade的mes, 更是让我感动 ><"... 好开心可以有这么一位知己可以和自己分享这份喜悦 ^^
ade, 我说过, 不管未来我们的去向是如何, 我们永远都会是好朋友~ ...我们友情的回忆,会是我最珍贵的礼物. 谢谢你噢 ^^
还记得中学的时候... 天天唱着 'duer gor wu ka shen me...'(passion) hahaha!~
Se7en~ 谢谢你的声音,你的音乐,你的坚持... 总是给我带来感动,开心~
We Are One and Always No.1 !~ ^^
Let's Cheer for our lovely SE7EN's days!!~ ^^
所有的不开心... 今天都不提了~ 因为今天心里满满想着的都是 7 ^^
收到ade的mes, 更是让我感动 ><"... 好开心可以有这么一位知己可以和自己分享这份喜悦 ^^
ade, 我说过, 不管未来我们的去向是如何, 我们永远都会是好朋友~ ...我们友情的回忆,会是我最珍贵的礼物. 谢谢你噢 ^^
还记得中学的时候... 天天唱着 'duer gor wu ka shen me...'(passion) hahaha!~
Se7en~ 谢谢你的声音,你的音乐,你的坚持... 总是给我带来感动,开心~
We Are One and Always No.1 !~ ^^
Saturday, July 4, 2009
::Michael Jackson - The Music Legend Lives On....::
::Michael Jackson - The Music Legend Lives On....::
I came across a news on tv last night, broadcasting the video clip of Michael Jackson rehearsing for his London Concert before the incident.
I'm speechless after watching it. Seeing him singing and dancing passionately on the stage, and he's still doing it so well, it jz makes people feel more sad for losing a music legend...
Hmm... I have always admire him as a great musician... even though i'm not really familiar with his music, but there's once, few years back, i was so into 'Beat It' and 'Dangerous'... and my family thought i was weird for suddenly feel in love with the songs. It's songs that a lot of new artist will be dancing to~ and for so many years, there's so much of imitation on the dance moves by others, but yet... people never get sick of the songs...and no any other can do better than him~
And it's sad that i only got to discover more nice musics of him via the replay of his old mv recently~
It has been a week, but still it doesn't feel real to me~ It's happening too sudden.
I don't know why, i'm not a super fan of him but just feeling sad of it...
It will be a pain for the whole world for losing such a great musician and a music legend.
But he had leaves us a lot of great music and memories~
I'm sure for all the Michael Jackson's fan, his music, his charm when performing on stage...... is irreplaceable.
I came across a news on tv last night, broadcasting the video clip of Michael Jackson rehearsing for his London Concert before the incident.
I'm speechless after watching it. Seeing him singing and dancing passionately on the stage, and he's still doing it so well, it jz makes people feel more sad for losing a music legend...
Hmm... I have always admire him as a great musician... even though i'm not really familiar with his music, but there's once, few years back, i was so into 'Beat It' and 'Dangerous'... and my family thought i was weird for suddenly feel in love with the songs. It's songs that a lot of new artist will be dancing to~ and for so many years, there's so much of imitation on the dance moves by others, but yet... people never get sick of the songs...and no any other can do better than him~
And it's sad that i only got to discover more nice musics of him via the replay of his old mv recently~
It has been a week, but still it doesn't feel real to me~ It's happening too sudden.
I don't know why, i'm not a super fan of him but just feeling sad of it...
It will be a pain for the whole world for losing such a great musician and a music legend.
But he had leaves us a lot of great music and memories~
I'm sure for all the Michael Jackson's fan, his music, his charm when performing on stage...... is irreplaceable.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
-The first day of 'July'-
-The first day of July-
Hmm what a special day it is~~ yeap...it's the 1st day of July!~ (means *7* on my own theory) hahaha... dun even want to miss out today to write up my 1st post for July!~ yea~ it's almost 12 now ^^
i was act on a moody situation today~ because i'm going to start my class right soon~ ...which is tomorrow ><" i have yet to enjoy enough my holiday ><" so sad...
i'm so afraid of getting back to my life style where i have to rushing from office - sch everyday with my hungry stomach...
honestly, that kind of life style is really terrible~~ it's like my nightmare ==" it's sooo tiring in both mentally and physically~ and i have to face both my work and studies at the same time. it will be a tough task for me hmm....and it'll be extremely stressful~
i'll feel lost and afraid everytime when i think of how long do i still have to go to complete my ACCA. It's seems like a long run... I couldn't even foresee my future and which direction will i go for after completing my ACCA. It's like no answer for all the efforts that u had pay out...
I don't know where's the way out for me. But i know vy clear that i have no way to step backwards... and i have to go through all no matter how~
To complete my ACCA asap - that's my most important mission at the moment~
some ppl says it's hard. but some says it's jz a matter of hardwork and times. i'll take the latter. no things is gonna to be easy.
and i always believe 'No Pain No Gain' ... we'll never get to taste the result if we never give out our best~ never try, never know... (of course i mean legal matters here ><")
In Life, there are things that we may achieve as long as we put in our efforts.
But there are things that will never come or belong to us no matter how hard we tried.
In matters of work and study, i believe it relies on our own efforts. But in matters of love and family, i'm the kind believe in fate ^^ there's no clear definition nor clear cut of right or wrong in love. and i'm the kind that will seldom take the initiative (that's y i'm doing vy weak in this area ^^)
I know i have to change on this. and i'm always trying to be a better person~ (sometimes it may seems failed though ><")
But i always believe GOD have arrange the best for us. Our partners for life, career , future... it's all depends on how u choose ur path...
And i'll be waiting patiently for the one that will hold my hand and spend the rest of our life together~ ^^
Hmm what a special day it is~~ yeap...it's the 1st day of July!~ (means *7* on my own theory) hahaha... dun even want to miss out today to write up my 1st post for July!~ yea~ it's almost 12 now ^^
i was act on a moody situation today~ because i'm going to start my class right soon~ ...which is tomorrow ><" i have yet to enjoy enough my holiday ><" so sad...
i'm so afraid of getting back to my life style where i have to rushing from office - sch everyday with my hungry stomach...
honestly, that kind of life style is really terrible~~ it's like my nightmare ==" it's sooo tiring in both mentally and physically~ and i have to face both my work and studies at the same time. it will be a tough task for me hmm....and it'll be extremely stressful~
i'll feel lost and afraid everytime when i think of how long do i still have to go to complete my ACCA. It's seems like a long run... I couldn't even foresee my future and which direction will i go for after completing my ACCA. It's like no answer for all the efforts that u had pay out...
I don't know where's the way out for me. But i know vy clear that i have no way to step backwards... and i have to go through all no matter how~
To complete my ACCA asap - that's my most important mission at the moment~
some ppl says it's hard. but some says it's jz a matter of hardwork and times. i'll take the latter. no things is gonna to be easy.
and i always believe 'No Pain No Gain' ... we'll never get to taste the result if we never give out our best~ never try, never know... (of course i mean legal matters here ><")
In Life, there are things that we may achieve as long as we put in our efforts.
But there are things that will never come or belong to us no matter how hard we tried.
In matters of work and study, i believe it relies on our own efforts. But in matters of love and family, i'm the kind believe in fate ^^ there's no clear definition nor clear cut of right or wrong in love. and i'm the kind that will seldom take the initiative (that's y i'm doing vy weak in this area ^^)
I know i have to change on this. and i'm always trying to be a better person~ (sometimes it may seems failed though ><")
But i always believe GOD have arrange the best for us. Our partners for life, career , future... it's all depends on how u choose ur path...
And i'll be waiting patiently for the one that will hold my hand and spend the rest of our life together~ ^^
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