Saturday, July 4, 2009

::Michael Jackson - The Music Legend Lives On....::

::Michael Jackson - The Music Legend Lives On....::

I came across a news on tv last night, broadcasting the video clip of Michael Jackson rehearsing for his London Concert before the incident.

I'm speechless after watching it. Seeing him singing and dancing passionately on the stage, and he's still doing it so well, it jz makes people feel more sad for losing a music legend...

Hmm... I have always admire him as a great musician... even though i'm not really familiar with his music, but there's once, few years back, i was so into 'Beat It' and 'Dangerous'... and my family thought i was weird for suddenly feel in love with the songs. It's songs that a lot of new artist will be dancing to~ and for so many years, there's so much of imitation on the dance moves by others, but yet... people never get sick of the songs...and no any other can do better than him~

And it's sad that i only got to discover more nice musics of him via the replay of his old mv recently~

It has been a week, but still it doesn't feel real to me~ It's happening too sudden.
I don't know why, i'm not a super fan of him but just feeling sad of it...

It will be a pain for the whole world for losing such a great musician and a music legend.
But he had leaves us a lot of great music and memories~
I'm sure for all the Michael Jackson's fan, his music, his charm when performing on stage...... is irreplaceable.

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