Sunday, July 19, 2009

::给姐姐的婚礼,最真心的祝福 ^^::

::给姐姐的婚礼,最真心的祝福 ^^::

收到这好消息的那一刻,心里满满的是感动~ 很替姐姐感到幸福 ^^ 姐姐是个好女生. 一直都是我努力想成为的目标 ^^ 一直以来,她的辛苦,努力... 我们都看在眼里~ 当她以最灿烂的笑容回应一切辛酸的努力时, 我常常都觉得心里很心疼~ 尤其每次和干妈聊天时,看着干妈眼里泛着泪光... 我知道干妈很心疼这女儿~ 现在,姐终于找到了一个好归属~ 一个可以牵着她的手,给她幸福的男人 ^^ 当然这姐夫,也是经我*审核*,觉得很不错的... 哈哈~ 真心的祝福姐,有个幸福美满的婚姻生活~ ^^

姐和未来姐夫上个星期回来 kch 办婚礼的准备~ 只待了4天~ 本来想请他们吃大餐的!!~ 可是可恶的sunway...让我连续两天周末都上了*7*小时的课... 让我根本抽不出时间~~ 只好等下一次咯~

hehe 姐交了给我她在新加坡买给我的生日礼物 ^^ 好昂贵... 让我觉得很不好意思 ><" 不过姐姐的那份心意,是最让我感动的~ 干妈说那项链小得很... 哈哈~ 不过我还是很喜欢,也很宝贝这礼物~ 心型上有颗很小很小的钻石 ^^ hm 算起来呢,这是我第一份收到的钻石礼物哦 ^^ (手机的相机太烂了... 拍得好差哦 ><")

看到姐姐好幸福,而看看自己...><" hmm 什么时候我也能找到生命中的另一半呢? 我什么时候也能拥有自己的幸福呢?... ^^ (叹气中...)

这是我和姐,哥在我小时候生日派对上的合照 (旁边那位不知是谁 ><")

::My lovely cousin ^^::

last week cousins family visit to kch~ so long didnt see them, and they're still so cute and lovely ^^ so bad that i dun really have time to spend with them due to hectic schedule of work and study~

on the day they came, we went for shopping together, the WHOLE DAY~~ and i was wearing my high heel shoes... so painful ><" here's the photo snapped inside the car~

and i jz realize that i didnt take photo with another cousin~ haha... so ke xi~
anyway, i bought them a small gift before they went back~ and i'm happy that they seems to like it so much ^^

And...of course not to forget about this --> SE7EN '747 Concert DVD'!! hahaha...i'm so happy got to bought it~ act it has been displayed quite long at there already, but i never got time to shop for here's some cap for the DVD ^^ it's act not the original edition released by YG but was edition that published by Malaysia publisher. so it's 正版~

haha... so funny that my sis cap the below photo of me sayang-ing my DVD after my sis put it on the floor~ (sim tia haha...)

ok...near the end of my post... and since there's no photo of me together with sister, she insist me to post one ==" and here it is~

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